Sunday, July 10, 2011 I loathe thee......

I'm beginning to think the ants are an alien race hellbent on taking over the planet and they are starting with my house....


  1. We have the same problem, so my Mom recommended Terro Ant Killer. It's borax based and takes them out, that's for sure. I like ants, I just don't want them in my space. I don't invade THEIR space (I container garden *lol*) So I want the same space respect :)

  2. we tried grits on the outside, was something I found on a web search it worked for a while but they are back now and they brought reinforcements...i'm leery about using any kinda of chemical especially in the house because my kids have a tendency to get into EVERYTHING, lol

  3. I've read that ants won't cross cinnamon, and if you sprinkle it across their path, they have to find a new way in.

  4. I may have to buy a grip load of cinnamon then, and figure out how to pipe it in my walls... in the end i may have to tent my house...:(, apparently for the 4 years I as not living here they just built a mount under the house, a very very very large mound...
