Thank the gods, lol. Sorry for all of you spring/summer ppl but summer is on the final stretch, and I for one cannot wait till fall. I'm am so not a summer person in any way shape or form. Anyway I have a post in mind for this evening about some healing stuff but for now just some pictures of random stuff i've found or grown:P

found this at a second hand store for 1$

saw a project similar to this one online somewhere some and the midget did this the other day

another angle (god i need a new camera)

my morning glory's finally bloomed

somewhere in there there is a cardinal trying to bloom and we'll have moonflowers soon too

Little Miss T decided it was time she colored in her yule coloring book...:s

and the thing I picked up this week i'm most proud of is this handmade tinkerbell comforter/quilt i snagged for 2$ at a second hand store. Miss T just about had a happy spaz fit when she saw it
allright that's all for now will make an attempt atgetting somehting posted tonight since i'm finally starting to feel better
Fall is so very welcome in my heart and home.