Sunday, February 12, 2012

Weekend without my SO

He went to the city to hang out with friends for the weekend. He left on Thursday and after we had our little Miss T meltdown over with, least till later that evening...I was home and swore to myself I wasn't goig to sit on my butt and relax. I was going to get every chore in the house done and bask in the glory that it would be clean for maybe an entire weekend...

What really happened...

Got Miss T out of school early because i didn't want to have her miss daddy before he left for 4 days...She had meltdown and sad puppy face for about 4 hours. Ended up having to make her happy tea and let her have a "sleepover" in out bed...Lil man was great, didn't seem to notice a damn thing.

Friday we successfully avoided a daddy meltdown, until bubba got overly tired and upset and he started screaming for daddy.

So essentially I spent the weekend playing with the kids (which by all means isn't a bad thing), planning out the garden with miss T and letting her put mammas hair into a "Hairstyle" and watching bubba run around like a crazy kid when the dog would bark at him:S

So much for getting everything clean and, oh well we had fun!!!

Blessed be

Recipe for Happy tea:

2 bags plain black tea
1 tbsp lavender flowers
2 tbsp chamomile flowers
ive been known to add hibiscus and catnip before as well.

Brew in 6 cups of water. DO NOT BOIL!.
ruins the herbs

After its done steeping and simmering and whatnot pour through a strainer into a clean milk jug or 64 oz juice bottle. If the brew is too strong dilute it by half and add ice. Great for summer bbq's too

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